According to the latest B-town gossip,Bad news for Shah Rukh Khan – Kajol – Karan Johar fans if the strong buzz going around in the trade circles is to be believed. Our trade sources claim that Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions’ and SRK’s Red Chillies Entertainment’s joint production My Name Is Khan might not release in December 2009 as it had earlier been scheduled. Its release is being postponed now to early 2010.
Hitting a rough patch with not having a successful Box Office chase, Bollywood’s undisputed king Shah Rukh Khan seems to be running out of luck! Post the ‘Billu’ disaster, the dimpled actor is cautious about his new releases and earnestly hopes to hit the bull’s eye with thumping commercial and critical success.
Shah Rukh’s new flick ‘My Name is Khan’ has been postponed and will be releasing in early part of 2010. With the ongoing multiplex-producer row, it seems Shah Rukh is the first to be at the receiving end of this unending feud.
As per the industry grapevine, Shah Rukh Khan is in no mood to abide by the changing release dates of Bollywood flicks. With major shuffling in the release dates, umpteen producers are scuttling for ‘safe Fridays.’ Above all, there is an added concern of running down each other’s business.
With all major apprehensions, Shah Rukh Khan has decided not to release his film in December and this will leave Aamir`s ‘3 Idiots’ and Saif’s ‘Qurbaan’ fight it between themselves.
Hope Shah Rukh has a successful 2010 with ‘My Name is Khan.’